How do you want to spend your 'dash'?

Today, I celebrate my 44th birthday.  I am filled with gratitude, but also, a bit of anxiety if I’m being honest.  

44 is one year from 45 which is 5 years from 50, which is 10 years from 60… You see how my mind works? 

Ever since I was a child, mortality has always been in my rear view mirror.  Always.  

I’ve had this tug of war feeling inside of wanting to grow older to experience the next milestone but yet wanting time to stand still so I can enjoy this age and stage, just a little bit longer. 

Mortality reminds us that time is such a gift that we so often take for granted.  

We waste time worrying about what other people think about us. 

We spend time trying to fit into places and with people who are not meant for us. 

We fill our time with schedules, plans and expectations that drain us from being able to spend quality time with those we love. 

The older I get, the more I realize that time, is my most precious commodity. 

Just a few weeks ago, I said to one of my mentors, “I’m so tired of feeling tired and overwhelmed and that I have NO time for me.”

He responded with a simple question, “How do you want to live out the last half of your life?”

A sobering reminder - yes, THIS is the half-way mark for me, if I’m lucky.  

How do I want the last half of my ‘dash’ to be? 

I want more quality time, and less jam-packed time. 

I want more free time, and less scheduled time. 

I want more joy-filled moments, and less ‘running out of time’ feelings. 

I want this for you too so here’s a challenge for you before your next birthday!

  1. Check one thing off of your bucket list that you’ve always wanted to do. Big or small, just do it!

  2. Reach out to an old friend, and reconnect. There’s nothing like reigniting a friendship.

  3. Go on a new adventure! It doesn’t have to be big and extravagant, just something that takes you into the fun zone. You deserve it!

Time is all we have until we don’t have it.

Sending you all the love & light,


Laura Lawrence