Permission to Pause

As women, we are wired for heart work. It’s in our bones, our DNA, our brain physiology.

The thing is, all of the nurturing, the caring for, the holding space, the holding together - it takes its’ toll. Often, we view rest as a reward at the end of pushing ourselves to almost complete exhaustion. We feel guilty about it. We resist it. There’s always something to do on our to-do lists, and if we aren’t doing them, who will?

I had a profound conversation with a BodyTalk client this past week where we both admitted how we tend to hold on to resentment because we just don’t get to rest. The reality is, we can absolutely grant ourselves a pause. It’s well within our control and by holding on to the belief that we just can’t rest, we’re staying in a victim mindset.

To give ourselves permission to pause, we need to let go of a few things.

We need to let go of expectations attached to rest. I will rest, once I……

We need to let go of control that’s creating rest blocks for us. I just can’t rest, because if I do, who is going to…

We need to shift our perspective on productivity and the belief that rest must be earned. I can rest once I’ve finished all this work…

This really is, me talking to me.

But I hope that you find something in here, that’ll resonate for you too.

What beliefs are you attached to that block you from sinking in to the rest you deserve? It’s worth a little exploration..

Laura Lawrence